After several years of diligently saving money, I’m nearly ready to purchase my first home. Because I’ve been thinking about buying a home for so long, I know exactly what I want my house to look like. I desire a place that has three bedrooms and three bathrooms. I also need a quiet space to set up my home office in. I want a massive, walk-in closet in my master bedroom. My master bathroom needs to have double vanities, a tiled, walk-in shower, and a Jacuzzi tub. On this blog, I hope you will discover how to set priorities during your new home search. Enjoy!
10 July 2017
One of the biggest arguments that many people have with themselves when thinking about buying a house is whether they will purchase a brand-new home that has recently been built or an older home, mostly because both of those options actually do have some very attractive benefits and advantages. Listed below are three reasons to consider an older home when buying a house. Cost One of the biggest reasons to consider an older home when buying a house is that they can often be a bit more affordable.
7 July 2017
If you have a commercial property that you want to sell, you might starting worrying about how long it will take to find the right buyer who is willing to pay what you need to sell it for. In order to ensure that this will be as painless as possible, you will want to make use of the following advice. Take A Look Into Changing The Zoning If your piece of property has a commercial building on it that has an upstairs that could be turned into an apartment, you might want to see about having the property rezoned so it is good to use for commercial and residential.
27 June 2017
In advertisements promoting mortgage loans, it is usually the interest rate that is the focus of attention. One reason advertised rates vary is that many lenders charge an additional fee referred to as mortgage points. Prospective home buyers can compare the long-term costs of competing mortgages by calculating the net effect of the interest rate and mortgage points combined. Points are sometimes referred to as mortgage origination fees. Despite the connotation, points are a specific monetary amount paid up front in exchange for a lower interest rate.
27 June 2017
If you are shopping for a new home and you have narrowed things down to some homes that you really like, then it may come down to choosing the home that is also going to offer you the best neighborhood. While there are several sources you can use online to get a bit of an idea of what neighborhoods are like, there's nothing like getting the information first hand and in person.
24 June 2017
When you buy a house, it may seem like closing on it is taking forever, and you might be extremely eager to take possession of the house. This is completely normal, but it does not mean you should sacrifice parts of the contract that were agreed upon. If you find that something from the house is missing when you perform your final walkthrough, here are some of the options you have for handling this situation: