A New Home Search
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A New Home Search

After several years of diligently saving money, I’m nearly ready to purchase my first home. Because I’ve been thinking about buying a home for so long, I know exactly what I want my house to look like. I desire a place that has three bedrooms and three bathrooms. I also need a quiet space to set up my home office in. I want a massive, walk-in closet in my master bedroom. My master bathroom needs to have double vanities, a tiled, walk-in shower, and a Jacuzzi tub. On this blog, I hope you will discover how to set priorities during your new home search. Enjoy!


A New Home Search

  • Selling A Home? Account For These Hidden Costs

    18 April 2017

    If the time has come to sell your home, you're likely looking forward to the money you'll earn. Whether you'll put that cash into a new home or back into your bank account, it's important to have a good idea of how much you'll have. So, don't forget to take these hidden costs of selling a home into account. You'll need to deduct these costs from your home equity to get an accurate idea of how much you'll actually get to keep from the home sale.

  • Things To Think About When Buying Rural Homes For Renting Out

    11 April 2017

    If you have decided that you want to start investing in real estate to rent out but are not able to afford properties that are located in your city, then you should consider buying homes in a surrounding rural area. However, homes in rural areas can come with some rental complications that you won't otherwise have to contend with when buying homes in more populated areas. While rural rental homes can earn you a nice return on your investment, you must consider each of these factors before you decide to make a purchase:

  • Expenses You Should Plan for When Selling Your House

    6 April 2017

    When you sell your home through a real estate agency, you will probably have to pay a commission that is between 5% to 6%, but that is not the only expense you will have. There are many other expenses you may have when selling a home, and it's important to plan on these things so you can set your asking price at the right amount. Here are some of the expenses you may have as you sell your house.

  • How Many Times Should You Visit A Home Before Making An Offer?

    31 March 2017

    House hunting can be fun and exciting, but it can also be overwhelming. It can be hard to keep track of all the features you like and dislike in the homes you view, and it can be even harder to narrow down your selection to just one house. To make this easier, you should keep notes on all the houses you view, and you should make sure you view a house at least two times (or more) before you make an offer.

  • Three Signs That "Fixer Upper" Needs Too Much Fixing

    23 March 2017

    If you're pretty handy, buying a fixer-upper can be a good investment. Put a year or two of work into it, and you'll have a nice home that you can either continue living in or sell for a profit. But it's very important that you don't get in over your head with a fixer upper that needs more work than you can muster. Here's a look at three problems that are not often worth your while to fix.